Develop a Written Goal

By Don Campbell

I think the desire to be successful is universal. We all want to feel that we are successful. Are there some things we might do to increase our success? I think that there are: I submit the following for your consideration.

          Let’s start with a definition of successful: accomplishing what is desired or intended. This definition leads to my first point.

          A clearly written goal can give you direction and guidance and help you be successful. Your goal becomes like your personal “North Star.” No matter what trials or tribulations you face your goal can give you guidance, security and direction.

          Your goal can become your personal definition of success. If you don’t know what success looks like how will you ever achieve it?

          Your goal helps you decide what to say yes to and what to say no to. We all have limited time. Spending our time in line with our goal helps us walk our talk. The closer our walk lines up with our talk the more successful and satisfied we will be.

          You might ask: why a written goal? There are lots of studies that show that a written goal is much more effective than a goal you may carry in your head. Writing your goal down allows you to share it with other people. This in turn allows those people to challenge you and to help you walk your talk.

          Success is very personal. Don’t compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with your dreams and aspirations. The only person who can judge your degree of success is you.

          One of the keystones to the success of Holistic Management is the three-part goal. The holistic goal covers the people, the land and the money. Nothing is left out. When everyone has input and commitment to your goal success is bound to follow.

For more information on goal setting, contact Bluesette Campbell Consulting at B-C Ranch Inc here.


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